// noinspection DuplicatedCode
import {Scene, Vector3} from 'three';
import {STLExporter} from 'three/examples/jsm/exporters/STLExporter';
import {sqrt} from '@backstrap/math';
import {roundTo} from '@backstrap/mathcell';
import {addSurface} from './threejsScene';
import {canonicalizeConfig, cleanCopy} from './helpers';
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
* @param {Geometry[]} data - graphic objects to be drawn
* @param {boolean} [binary] - whether to export as binary or text STL format
* @param {renderConfig} [config] - a rendering configuration
* @returns {string}
export function exportSTL(data, binary = true, config = {})
const v = new Vector3();
const {subVectors, normalize} = v;
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(v);
const scene = sceneFromData(data, config);
// Hack to make STLExporter.parse() print with fixed precision.
if (!binary) {
const decimals = config.decimals;
proto.subVectors = function altSubVectors(a, b) {
subVectors.call(this, a, b);
a.x = roundTo(a.x, decimals, false);
a.y = roundTo(a.y, decimals, false);
a.z = roundTo(a.z, decimals, false);
b.x = roundTo(b.x, decimals, false);
b.y = roundTo(b.y, decimals, false);
b.z = roundTo(b.z, decimals, false);
return this;
proto.normalize = function altNormalize() {
this.x = roundTo(this.x, decimals, false);
this.y = roundTo(this.y, decimals, false);
this.z = roundTo(this.z, decimals, false);
return this;
const result = new STLExporter().parse(scene, {binary: binary});
if (!binary) {
proto.subVectors = subVectors;
proto.normalize = normalize;
return result;
* sceneFromData() mimics threejsGraphic(), without lights, cameras, axes, texts, points, lines.
* Note that only surface objects are supported by STL.
* @param {Geometry[]} data - graphic objects to be drawn
* @param {renderConfig} config - a rendering configuration
* @returns {Object3D}
* @private
function sceneFromData(data, config) {
// working copy of data
data = cleanCopy(data);
const surfaces = [];
canonicalizeConfig(config, data, [], [], [], surfaces);
return generateScene(config, surfaces);
* generateScene() mimics renderThree(), without lights, cameras, axes, texts, points, lines.
* Note that only surface objects are supported by STL.
* @param {renderConfig} config - a rendering configuration
* @param {Geometry[]} surfaces - surface objects to be drawn
* @returns {Object3D}
* @private
function generateScene(config, surfaces)
const scene = new Scene();
const a = config.aspectRatio; // aspect multipliers
let xMin = config.xMin, yMin = config.yMin, zMin = config.zMin;
let xMax = config.xMax, yMax = config.yMax, zMax = config.zMax;
if (xMin === xMax) { xMin -= 1; xMax += 1; }
if (yMin === yMax) { yMin -= 1; yMax += 1; }
if (zMin === zMax) { zMin -= 1; zMax += 1; }
// apply aspect multipliers for convenience
xMin *= a[0]; yMin *= a[1]; zMin *= a[2];
xMax *= a[0]; yMax *= a[1]; zMax *= a[2];
const xRange = xMax - xMin;
const yRange = yMax - yMin;
const rRange = sqrt( xRange*xRange + yRange*yRange );
let zRange = zMax - zMin;
if (zRange > rRange && a[2] === 1 && !config.equalAspect) {
a[2] = rRange / zRange;
zMin *= a[2];
zMax *= a[2];
for (let i = 0 ; i < surfaces.length ; i++) {
addSurface(scene, surfaces[i], a, zMin, zMax);
return scene;